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Welcome to the new website for advice on everything to do with adding texture to your paintings as well as general painting techniques hints and tips.
On this site we will show you what kind of painting texture you can buy as well as how to make your own painting texture much more cheaply and when you need painting texture in bulk.
marissSeptember 4, 2011 1:21 am /
I really appreciate the knowledge you have in regard to texture painting. I am a novice, but have a true desire to try this. I would like in some way to incorporate tissue paper in this form as I have used that as a medium in limited ways. At this point I am learning about processes, products and techniques so when I begin exploring I will not be blindly stepping into the unknown and enjoy the process more. Your site is so far what I have found to be the most straight forward, thoughtful yet simply stated information. Thank you for helping me sort out questions and have more clarity.